

最近和朋友聊起 Peer-to-peer 的中文翻譯,忽然想到我曾在另一個時空裏也與人扯過一回,老夫還做了一幅對聯呢。於是重回桃花源一索,果然還在那裡。只可惜的是相關網頁文本—台灣經濟部智慧財產局的專有名詞網頁 http://www.moeaipo.gov.tw/dataserve/public/terms.asp

古狗翻譯大神把 Peer-to-peer 翻成「點對點」,也罷也罷。

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

1) Not like Yahoo blog, there is no bulletin board for general message not relating to any post.

2) I sent out an invitation to visit my own blog thru NE80 group alias. Was it blocked again?

3) It takes too much efforts to leave you a message here.

Yeh Lao 提到...

Hi Peter,

I think there is also similar gadget like guestbook from Blogger. I have not explored them yet.

Originally I only allow blooger/openid users to make comments. I have changed it to allow anyone. Let's see how it goes.