
High / Low Brow

花花公子雜誌的人物訪談頗具盛名,我在圖書館借了一本 The Playboy Interviews: The Directors,讀到這個有關 David Mamet 的笑話:
A beggar in New York City's theater district approaches a well-dressed man for a handout.

"`Neither a beggar nor a borrower be,'", the man says sanctimoniously, "William Shakespeare.

"Yeah?", the beggar fires back, “'Fuck you!’, David Mamet.

如果你不知道 David Mamet 是何方神聖,一定不覺得好笑。此兄乃名劇作家,對白以4 letters 國罵取勝,看這一段就明白了。
