
news (and no news) on Taiwan

Here comes a funky news:

(WASHINGTON) — The Pentagon announced on Tuesday that it mistakenly shipped non-nuclear components for an intercontinental ballistic missile to Taiwan from a U.S. Air Force base in Wyoming.

It said the items have been returned to the United States.

At a Pentagon news conference, Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne said the misshipped items were four nose cone assemblies for ICBMs. He also said they were delivered to Taiwan in March 2005 and had been sent instead of helicopter batteries that had been ordered by Taiwan.

Guess there would be no tips for the delivery?

BTW, in this week's printed issue of TIME magazine (US edition, vol 171, no 14), there is not a damn single word about last week's historical presidential election in Taiwan and yet there is a full page dispatch about Bhutan's election, can you believe that? Guess this itself is a piece of news.


Anthony in Wonderland

Mitsuwa 日本超市是新澤西老中最喜愛的名勝之一,你大概不會想到電視名嘴 Anthony Bourdain 也曾慕名造訪,對 Hello Kitty,珍珠奶茶等玩意大發其東洋之葷哩。As to his intriguing question: "I wonder if there is Bubble Tea related fatalities?", the answer is "you bet".


in sunshine or in shadow

今天又是 St Patrick Day, 且來聽聽不朽的 Danny Boy。這首歌很有意思的是:作詞人是蘇格蘭人,從未到過愛爾蘭,但是百年來離鄉背井的愛爾蘭僑民視它為國歌,此其一。唱歌的對象 Danny 當然是男的啦,但唱者是誰-則唯聽者之意了。

This clip of Judith Durham's rendition is arguably the best Danny Boy performance on YouTube so far, IMHO. But if you are Eric Clapton's fan, you would not want to miss this one...


Pete Seeger sang Little Box

高老頭 Pete Seeger 一直是我最喜歡的 folk singer / humanist / dissident / Communist。這幾天此地的公視放紀錄片 Power of Songs 向 88 高齡的 Pete 致敬,讓老夫重溫了許多 60 年代的抗議歌曲,像耳熟能詳的 Where have all the flowers gone?, We shall overcome, Joe Hill, Guantanamera, Last night I had the strangest dream ...那是個讓人莫名其妙得就會很激動激動的時代。

如今革命已經垂垂老去,我們都被生涯規劃作了專業白領; Pete 也有一條歌,哀嘆像我們這些把自己也把別人卡在 Little Boxes 裏的 conformists 眾生們。



今年中文網路上最坎普的話語大概是很黃很暴力」,北京小學生張xx因此暴得大名,網民紛紛發揮創意搞笑,好不熱鬧。大家都很吶悶網上的冬冬要不就是很黃,要不就是很暴力,怎麼我...我就沒有看到又黃又暴力的?想來想去,by George,I think I got it:那就是李安的【色戒】。李安的-不是張愛玲的-色戒裏的情色與暴力不禁讓人想起 Bertolucci 的情色經典之作 Last Tango in Paris,但是後者是講疏離的人際關係,馬龍白蘭度演的保羅令人同情,但色戒的男女主角只讓人覺得 cynical。色戒電影的問題不是在尺度,問題在如何詮釋張愛玲。李黎的影評失色之戒」說這部電影主題是背叛-老易背叛了王佳芝,王佳芝背叛了任務,易與王倆在情感上背叛了他們自己,但最重要的是-李安背叛了張愛玲-我覺得很中肯。電影版色戒如果不說是張愛玲的原著倒還不失是一部可看之作。但是你如果相信李安夫子自道,說他的電影說出了張愛玲小說中要說而沒說的情與欲,我建議你該讀一讀張愛玲的娘子自道「羊毛出在羊身上」。張愛玲的作品深受英國小說作家的影響,如毛姆,赫胥黎,行文含蓄冷靜而帶機鋒,對人性富于充滿同情的洞見。這篇評論說得非常好,隱隱道出張愛玲之所以為張愛玲,而李安之所以不能為張愛玲與謀:




YouTube 上 Reel Geezers 的影評是最令人激賞的,老頭老太不識中文,當然沒讀過張愛玲原著,但是明眼人一眼就看出電影色戒的問題:"Stop!Enough!...this is actually a movie of illustrated sex manual...it gets nothing to do with two people..." 薑還是老的辣啊。


On Meeting

打工仔總逃不了開各式各樣的會,自從看了 Kill Bill 後每次開無聊的會總讓人想到 O-Ren-Ishi 的風範...


Anna May Wong remembered

在 YouTube 上看到 Sexy Beijing 的 Discovering Anna May Wong 頗令人動容。Anna May Wong, 黃柳霜,是美國 30 年代的華裔巨星,在種族歧視的好萊鄔演了無數的爛片。米高梅 1936 年拍賽珍珠的小說「大地」,原本是一部謳歌中國農民的電影,卡司竟全部找白人演員來演中國人主角,反而首席華裔女星黃柳霜只分到一個壞人的小角色,氣的她乾脆拒演。演女主角阿藍的德藉女星 Luise Rainer 因「大地」一角而獲 1937 年的奧斯卡最佳女主角獎。What a fantastic irony of Gender, Race and Identity。

Anna May Wong in Wikipedia.

Also a most interesting blog, Anna May Wong Daily. Amazingly you can see her 1935 copy of re-entry paper. Note that under Chinese Exclusion Law, Wong was not considered US citizen, even she was born in the State.


High / Low Brow

花花公子雜誌的人物訪談頗具盛名,我在圖書館借了一本 The Playboy Interviews: The Directors,讀到這個有關 David Mamet 的笑話:
A beggar in New York City's theater district approaches a well-dressed man for a handout.

"`Neither a beggar nor a borrower be,'", the man says sanctimoniously, "William Shakespeare.

"Yeah?", the beggar fires back, “'Fuck you!’, David Mamet.

如果你不知道 David Mamet 是何方神聖,一定不覺得好笑。此兄乃名劇作家,對白以4 letters 國罵取勝,看這一段就明白了。