先來簡單的:「壓扁」,答曰「crash」,so far so good。
那麼「壓不扁」呢? 要不要猜猜答案是什麼....Ready?
"Pressure is not Chen Shui-bian"
“Chen Shui-bian's no pressure”
"Chen Shui-bian did not pressure the roses"
"Chen Shui-bian"
先別說 WTF... Google Translate 用的方法叫 statistical translation models,根据古狗的說明,
we feed the computer billions of words of text, both monolingual text in the target language, and aligned text consisting of examples of human translations between the languages. We then apply statistical learning techniques to build a translation model. We've achieved very good results in research evaluations.看來問題出在古狗的語庫 (corpus) 上,古狗翻譯用Internet上的中文語詞做為其模型的輸入,而阿扁執政八年以來網路上的「扁」這個字有很大的比例指向「陳水扁」,古狗翻譯用這個 heavily skewed 的詞庫來規訓 (train) 它的翻譯機,「差之毫厘,失之千里」也就難怪了。
又:「差之毫厘,失之千里」的古狗翻譯是 「Hao Li of the poor, suffer from a thousand miles」,挺有禪的味道,是不?
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